Webinar "Thoughts on Spatial Climate Plan for Alpine cities!"

With her diploma thesis ‘Help the Alps are glowing! - Reflections on a spatial climate plan for the town of Lienz’, Theresa Janesch and her supervisor Sibylla Zech organised a webinar for the Alpine Climate Board (ACB).

Auf dem Bild ist ein Screenshot des Webinars "Hilfe die Alpen glühen!" zu sehen.

© Theresa Janesch

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"Hilfe die Alpen glühen!"

Auf dem Bild ist ein Screenshot des Webinars "Hilfe die Alpen glühen!" zu sehen.

© Theresa Janesch

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"Hilfe die Alpen glühen!"

Auf dem Bild ist ein Screenshot des Webinars "Hilfe die Alpen glühen!" zu sehen.

© Theresa Janesch

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"Hilfe die Alpen glühen!"

Auf dem Bild ist ein Screenshot des Webinars "Hilfe die Alpen glühen!" zu sehen.

© Theresa Janesch

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"Hilfe die Alpen glühen!"

Auf dem Bild ist ein Screenshot des Webinars "Hilfe die Alpen glühen!" zu sehen.

© Theresa Janesch

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"Hilfe, die Alpen glühen" Screenshot des Webinars.

The aim of the work was to develop the first draft of a spatial climate plan using the city of Lienz as an example. In this context, a spatial climate plan is understood as planning that leads to integrated measures to mitigate and adapt to climate change and to spatial structures that enable climate-friendly behaviour. This first draft is intended to serve as a starting point for a discussion on supplementary spatial planning instruments.

The most important result of the spatial climate plan is the presentation of spatial structures and measures that can not only support climate-friendly behaviour, but are also effective for climate protection and climate adaptation. The vision uses maps to show what a climate-friendly spatial structure for the city of Lienz could look like. The ideas are illustrated with visualisations and a selection of 60 concrete measures. In addition, the effect of the localised measures is presented in a comparison of selected spatial structures in the city of Lienz in the actual and target state.

The background for the webinar is the ACB's Climate Action Plan 2.0, opens an external URL in a new window, which emphasises the need for an Alpine-wide concept for ‘Spatial Planning for Climate Protection’ in order to ensure a climate-proof framework for spatial planning as a priority area for further climate protection measures in the Alps. This webinar provided an example of concrete work on this idea. After a short presentation of the master thesis, specific questions and the work were discussed in a trialogue format together with Katharina Zwettler (Alpine Convention Officer).