i²c Networking Friday

TU Wien is the source of Deep Tech innovation in Austria. With the annual i²c Networking Friday – a conference dedicated to entrepreneurship as third mission of a university – TU Wien not only showcases TU Wien innovations and spin-outs but also brings together scientists, representatives from industry and politics, public and private investors, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial interested.

What has been an on-site event for 6 years is now transferred to an online event in 2021 considering all rules and regulations that come along with COVID in our daily life.

What to expect: 

This year’s panel discussion will focus on “Spin-outs as the 3rd mission of Universities: Motivation, Obstacles, and Perspectives”. The panel will be in German language. We are looking forward to an interesting and controversial discussion with:

§ DI Michael Altrichter, Startup-Beauftragter des Bundesministeriums für Digitalisierung und Wirtschaftsstandort,

§ Mag. Marlis Baurecht - Entrepreneurship/Schutzrechte/Seedförderungen, aws

§ Univ. Prof. Dr. Ulrich Frank - Lehrstuhlinhaber Wirtschaftsinformatik und Unternehmensmodellierung, Universität Duisburg-Essen

§ DI Herbert Gartner - CEO eQventure

§ Priv. Doz. Dr. Sara Matt - Leitung Transferstelle Wissenschaft-Wirtschaft-Gesellschaft, Universität Innsbruck

§ Dr. Wieland Reichelt - CEO Evologic Technologies


9 TU Wienresearch projects with a high market potential introducing how they plan to revolutionize their industries with their innovations

12 academic spin-outs and start-ups supported by the TUW i²ncubator exhibiting virtually their innovations

The option to meet and mingle with the sciencepreneurs and conference participants (inter-/national investors/VCs, industry experts, and other players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem) facilitated via 1:1 meetings


Please register , opens an external URL in a new windowfor attending the online event:


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