
Barbara Steinbrunner at the 2024 Natural Hazards Conference in Tulln

Barbara Steinbrunner gave a keynote speech at the Natural Hazards Conference 2024 in Tulln.



The Natural Hazards Conference 2024 , opens an external URL in a new windowtook place in Tulln from 4 to 7 November under the motto Understanding - Networking - Precaution. On the third day of the event, Dipl.- Ingin Barbara Steinbrunner MSc, opens an external URL in a new window from the Soil Policy and Soil Management research department gave a keynote speech on the topic of spatial planning and protective forests. This was followed by a panel discussion in which Barbara Steinbrunner joined Kilian Heil (Torrent and Avalanche Control, Protection Forest Policy and Forest Fire Prevention), Maria Papathoma-Köhle (BOKU, Institute for Alpine Natural Hazards), Peter Lepkowicz (City of Vienna, MA49 Climate, Forestry and Agriculture), Gabriel Lang (NÖ Energie- und Umweltagentur GmbH) and Gerhard Sirucek (UNIQA Sustainable Business Solutions GmbH) for a discussion. The conference was organised by the Austrian Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (ASDR), opens an external URL in a new window.