All news at TU Wien

Green Library: "TU Wien Bibliothek cycles" 2024

The library team successfully participated in the campaigns "Wien + Niederösterreich radelt 2024" and collected environmentally friendly kilometres by bicycle and on foot.

Logo "Vienna cycles"

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Chart: Comparison 2022 and 2024

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Comparison 2022 and 2024

In our mission statement, TU Wien Bibliothek commits to becoming a green and sustainable library. Working towards this goal, our focus was on mobility once again in 2024. This year, students and librarians, and for the first time, all TU Wien employees were invited to participate in the campaigns "Wien radelt" (Vienna cycles) and "Niederösterreich radelt" (Lower Austria cycles). 62 persons accepted the challenge (compared to 31 participants in 2023).

Between 20 March and 30 September, the participants covered a total of 36,670 kilometres by bike or on foot (2023: 18,690km), which corresponds to a saving of 6,469 kg in CO2 emissions (2023: 3,297kg) compared to car journeys. TU Wien staff and students made their daily lives more active and achieved health benefits, as well as contributing to a more sustainable environment.

We thank all participants, particularly our students, for their contributions!

Bicycle and foot kilometres collected by TU Wien Bibliothek staff, opens an external URL in a new window (only campaign "Vienna cycles 2024")

"Wien radelt", opens an external URL in a new window