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Hydraulic Engineering EXCURSION 22.-23.05.24

Information on the EXCURSION PROGRAMME of the Excursion into hydraulic engineering SS2024 to Carinthia. Destination: GAILTAL/DRAUTAL

Excursion programme 2024:


  • Presentation of the regulation concept for the Gail River;
  • "Gail-Life project";
  • Flood protection measures in the Rattendorf-Waidegg;
  • Life project in the Feistritz/Gail;
  • "Gail, Rattendorf-Waidegg" flood defence measures - currently under construction (focus on dam renovation);
  • field measurement programme on the Drau


  • Measures from the Life project "Lebensader Obere Drau";
  • Flood protection Sachsenburg, technical protection measures (incl. small lunch);
  • Rosenheim area, Life Project "Upper Drau Lifeline" (optional - depending on time management);

Sturdy footwear suitable for the construction site (+ clean second pair of shoes for the bus) as well as clothing and rain protection etc. must be brought by the students!

Helmets and safety waistcoats are provided.



Meeting point, 22.05.24, 07:00 

Operngasse 14-16 vis a vis vom Cafe Museum, opens an external URL in a new window

Please be at the bus on time!


Return Vienna, 23.05.24, ~ 21:00

Excursion group in front of debris flow security measure