
24. November 2023
Exploring the Source: Insightful Visit to HS Timber’s Sawmill
Discover highlights from the CD Laboratory's recent visit to HS Timber's sawmill, where our team gained firsthand insights into the source of our wood-based biocomposite.

Group picture of visit at HS Timber sawmill in Kodersdorf, Saxony
Group picture Kodersdorf

The team of the CD Laboratory recently embarked on an insightful two-day field trip to HS Timber’s sawmill located in Kodersdorf, Saxony. This visit marks a significant step in bridging the gap between academic research and industrial application.

A First-Hand Look at Sawmill Operations

The sawmill tour provided our interdisciplinary team, comprising experts from various fields of study, with a rare opportunity to witness the operational dynamics of a sawmill. This was their first experience in such an industrial setting for several team members, offering a fresh perspective and a deeper understanding of the raw materials central to our research.

A key focus of the visit was to observe the generation of sawmill by-products, which are integral to our laboratory’s research in developing advanced wood-based biocomposites. The team was particularly struck by the sheer volume of these by-products, showcasing the vast potential for sustainable material innovation.

Sparking New Ideas

The visit went beyond mere observation, evolving into a platform for spontaneous discussions and brainstorming sessions. Amid the sawmill’s bustling environment, the team identified opportunities for utilizing other unused material streams, opening new avenues for research and development.

Thanks to the HS Timber team for their warm hospitality and comprehensive tour. Their in-depth explanations and readiness to answer our queries greatly enriched our understanding of the sawmill’s processes and operations.

This visit has provided valuable insights and inspired new ideas that the CD Laboratory team is eager to explore further. Exchanges like these are pivotal in advancing our mission to develop innovative, sustainable wood-based materials.